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Amplicon Suite

Software for simplifying NGS data analysis

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Why choose Amplicon Suite? 

Targeted design

Amplicon Suite is CE-IVD marked software for fast and accurate variant calling and annotation of NGS data, specifically tailored for our specialized gene panels.

Actionable insights

Amplicon Suite streamlines NGS data analysis, providing a seamless journey from FASTQ files to actionable results through a user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for extensive bioinformatics expertise. 

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Key features of Amplicon Suite

Amplicon Suite is certified as an in-vitro diagnostic medical device, complying with EC 98/79/EEC.  The software is intended for use with 

our specialized gene panels.


User-friendly interface

Navigate the software effortlessly, even without prior bioinformatics experience thanks to is intuitive design.


Tailored solution

Amplicon Suite is designed to meet the unique requirements of each assay, it incorporates application-specific features, ensuring precision and efficiency.

Comprehensive variant analysis

Provides quality for variant calling and annotation of SNVs, indels and CNVs, ensuring reliable results.

Contact us for more information or book a demo.

Amplicon Suite deployment

Explore our newly expanded deployment option tailored to meet your unique needs. 

Powered by the cloud

  • Hosted by AWS, no user maintenance required
  • Broad global availability 

Keeps your data safe

  • Protected by end-to-end encryption
  • Strict access control

Tailored for your needs

  • Adaptable to any scale needed
  • High performance and low latency for the ideal end-user experience
If you have other deployment requirements, we can tailor our solution to meet them. Contact us to learn more.


One pipeline for each Devyser product

  • Devyser CFTR: Facilitate screening for specific mutations with a pre-defined screening list.
  • Devyser Thalassemia: Enhanced CNV calling with two complementary techniques.
  • Devyser LynchFAP: Deep dive into pseudogenes and gene conversions of PMS2.
  • Devyser BRCA, BRCA PALB2 and HBOC: Separate pipelines to tailor specific needs.
  • Devyser FH: Unique listing of polygenic and statin response markers.


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Contact us

Want to know more about Advyser Solid organs or other post-transplant monitoring products?

Complete the form below and we will be in touch promptly.


Ready to explore the full potential? 

Request a demo

Dedicated software makes analyzing test results quick, easy and trouble-free. This means a streamlined, end-to-end process with unmatched reliability and transparency for lab personnel. You can request a personalized demo today and find out how our software can streamline your NGS data analysis.

Disclaimer: The following Devyser kits have CE-IVD marked pipelines: Devyser CFTR, Devyser Thalassemia and Devyser BRCA. These products are CE-IVD marked but not FDA-cleared. Availability in each country depends on local regulatory marketing authorization status. Please consult your local sales representative for details.  Remaining pipelines are Research Use Only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.