Devyser secures a major SEK 16.8M tender in Italy with 30% growth
Devyser a leading provider of genetic testing solutions, has been awarded a significant tender for...
QF-PCR and maternal cell contamination by Dr Kathy Mann, the pioneer in prenatal QF-PCR analysis.
The ability to identify maternal cell contamination (MCC) in uncultured AF and CV samples minimises the risk of misdiagnosis due to the analysis of maternal cells. Authored by Dr. Kathy Manns, the pioneer in prenatal QF-PCR analysis, this paper provides information for laboratory professionals on how to identify the presence and level of MCC in a prenatal sample using a QF-PCR based approach.
QF-PCR and maternal cell contamination by Dr Kathy Mann, the pioneer in prenatal QF-PCR analysis.
The ability to identify maternal cell contamination (MCC) in uncultured AF and CV samples minimises the risk of misdiagnosis due to the analysis of maternal cells. Authored by Dr. Kathy Manns, the pioneer in prenatal QF-PCR analysis, this paper provides information for laboratory professionals on how to identify the presence and level of MCC in a prenatal sample using a QF-PCR based approach.
Devyser a leading provider of genetic testing solutions, has been awarded a significant tender for...
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