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Molecular Genetics Thalassemia lab of The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics transforms testing with NGS

In this case study, Dr. Papasavva describes her laboratory’s journey from traditional thalassemia testing to state-of-the-art NGS technology and what a difference this has made in their daily work.

  • Instead of running on average three tests per
    patient, they now only run one and get a
    comprehensive analysis
  • The workflow is fast and simple; with just one
    tube we can test most of the thalassemias
    almost 100%
  • They can save on average 4 weeks for a patient
    waiting for their diagnosis

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Have you future-proofed
your cystic fibrosis testing?

This infographic  details how next-generation sequencing 
(NGS) can be used to help overcome the challenges and provide fast and accurate cystic fibrosis testing. 

Moreover, shifting demographics are also driving a need for extended CFTR analysis and the value of sequencing in establishing global equitable CF diagnostics.