Devyser - Blog

What Devyser is doing through the COVID-19 crisis

Written by Admin | Mar 25, 2020 3:44:00 PM

First and foremost, we are ensuring the well-being of our employees and the continuity of our products and services to serve our customers. We have executed our Business Continuity Plan which is designed to ensure that customers do not experience interruptions in the delivery of products and services from Devyser. Please note that the plan is subject to change if deemed necessary.

Follow World Health Organization Guidelines

Devyser monitors the World Health Organization announcements and guidelines daily and follows them to minimize the risk to staff and the wider population.

Ensure supply continuity

We have activated the business continuity plan across our entire organisation to ensure that critical functions such as shipment of products and provision of technical support will continue through the coronavirus situation. We have also increased our safety stock of materials to help ensure continuity of supply.

Implement Travel Restrictions During a Pandemic

Devyser has implemented a restrictive travel policy. Demos and trainings are strongly encouraged to be held online. Physical on-site visits are determined on a case-by-case basis in line with national and regional government recommendations. No international travel will be permitted. All rules may be modified to accommodate different scenarios.

Establish Infection Control Measures

All staff is to be informed regarding protective actions and/or modifications related to this plan. We use teleconferences instead of face-to-face meetings and activate Work From Home policies. We also request and enable employees to stay home at the first sign of symptoms.

We want to assure you that we are doing everything to continue working as near to normal as possible but please contact us for any additional information that you need.

Devyser is committed to supporting all our customers through this situation.‍